Once you have a great website in place there are several ways in which you can begin to take your online marketing in your own hands and connect with potential users and new customers. Best of all, the following tips you can do yourself and will not cost you anything but your time.
Set Up All Social Media Platforms
Get your company’s user name, if it is taken try for a close second. Once you have that in place fill out all the information on the social platforms. Make sure to fill out all of your services, add a link to your website and if possible customize the social media page. I highly recommend starting with Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook. If you then find your audience is engaging on other platforms, jump on board those too.
Start Blogging On Your Website
Now that you have your social media account and website set up it’s a great time to start generating relevant content for your target audience. You can write about trends in your industry, tips for your customers and share your experiences in the industry. This will help to engage your audience and show that you know your stuff.
On-line Networking
Once you have your social media profiles set up you can begin engaging with your potential customers and those who may be interested in your company’s services. You can begin following other users on Twitter and Google Plus and begin to form relationships with those users. You don’t have to wait for them to engage you. You can start by commenting on their posts and re-share relevant information that they have Tweeted or shared on Google Plus. This shows that you are interested in them as well and it’s a two way street.
Start a Newsletter And Mailing List
You can have a mailing list integrated into your website. You can gain an audience on your mailing list by only sharing certain discounts with users who have signed up and let them know all the important news about your services and company first.