What Is Google +?
Google + is Google’s take on social networking. It has numerous features that are similar to Twitter and Facebook and is almost like a hybrid of the two. For example you are able to follow almost anyone like on Twitter and you can “Plus One” pages and posts similar to the “Like” button on Facebook.
Why Join Google +
Google is using many Google + features to influence search results. The number of users is also increasing on this social media platform making it something businesses can no longer overlook. It has become a strong contender in the social media scene and is now a stronger influence on SEO ranking.
How Does Google + Influence SEO?
Google + influences SEO in a number of different ways, some which are still unknown. What we do know is that when you are logged in to your Google + account any posts about your website that have been “Plus 1’d” by your friends or users you follow will positively influence your website’s rank for those organic search terms. The more followers you have on Google +, the more important and popular your business looks. If you have a blog you can also claim that blog by using Google + authorship. This creates a link between your Google + account and your website.