Web Design in Winnipeg
We love doing web design and development here in Winnipeg, our home town! This was a very fun website to design. Since this nightclub attracts a young, fun loving, fashion forward audience, the web design needed to be clean and sleek yet have an element of playfulness. The club is also an LGBT* hot spot, therefore the rainbow colors needed to be present it the design. We achieved implementation of these attributes in the design while keeping consistency and a modern feel. Each page is actually a separate color that has a clean and sleek feel against the dark grey background. The menu uses transparency as well as animation that transforms the color of each button into it’s respective page’s color. The drop down menus are also transparent and become opaque when rolling over. On the right-hand column, the social media icons, upcoming events, a calendar, and the club’s location are present for easy access.
Web & Drupal 7 Development
Since thy have regular events, photos and posts to upload, we made it easy for them to add them to their website with a few simple clicks. No coding required. This site was built using the content management system called Drupal 7. It is very powerful and when implemented correctly, it makes adding content a breeze. This platform allows you to create almost any kind of website from blogs to e-commerce.