Beginner Blogging Terminology

Posted On: October 15, 2011


If you have a website, chances are you want to be blogging and promoting new content to reach more of your customers and share your content. Welcome to beginner blogging basics part one. We will be giving you tips and how to’s to begin writing content your your site. We will be answering some questions that we are frequently asked and we will be started on the raw basics.


What is a Blog?

There are many ways to use a blog as it can serve different purposes. An individual who may be using it as a personal journal or a businesses and business like - individuals who can use blogs to write content related to their industry or profession. Blog articles or “posts” as they are refereed to are usually organized chronologically; The newest article will appear first on the page. A blog post typically uses body headline for the article title or headline, body text for the content area, images, videos, and links to various soucres.


Features Of a Blog

There is much more to having a successful blog than having great content. We will talk about some other features that a great blog will have. Having the ability for comments is a great way for users, the people reading the blog, to give feedback, or ask questions on particular post which can be moderated by the writer or blog owner and posted upon approval. 


You will often see this little RSS Feed icon on many blog pages. An RSS Feed is a way for people to stay up to date with your latest posts, giving them the users the ability to keep track of all the websites they would like to read. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and is often referred to as a news feed. The more subscribes to your RSS feed the better.


When people want to receive email from you about promotions, news, etc. they will sign up for what is called a Mailing List. This allows them to receive emails about your services, news and promotions for your business or website. Here are many great free email services availble to help you amnage your mailing list such as Mail Chimp.



Beginner Blogging Terminology

Here is a brief recap of some blogging beginner terminology that we have learned.  You should know these so you can begin speaking the language of bloggers.


 • Posts, blog posts or entries: These are individuals articles on a blog.

•  Blogger:  A person who writes or maintains a blog by writing original content

•  Article Title: This is the name of the blog post which usually appears in the post.

•  Links : This is text, image or video which contains links to other pages or sources on the web

•  Comments: Feedback from users who read your blog posts.

•  Users: The people looking at your blog or website.

•  RSS Feed: A way for users to subscribe to get updates on new content on a website

•  Subscibers: The users that sign up for notifications such as a news letter or an RSS feed on a website

•  Mailing List: A way for users to receive emails about your business or website