Google Web Tools You Should Know

Posted On: October 21, 2011


Google is the best known search engine but it also has various web worthy services that can benefit your website. We are going to mention Google services that can benefit you and a brief description of each.  Get to know all of these services indepth and we guartee you will make use of the valuable information and what you can learn from it.


Google Web Masters

Google Web Masters is an in depth tool that allows you to see data about google crawling your site, check who is linking to your website, submit your site map, see how many pages have been indexed, crawl errors and more. This tool can be used to see how you can improve areas of your website and drive traffic to your site.


Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a great tool with plentiful data for monitoring various facets of your website such as stats on traffic to your website, where your traffic comes from, what browser your users are viewing your website on, what key words you are being found for, what pages rank the best and the list continues.


Google AdWords

Google AdWords is a online advertising that Google offers to anyone with a website. This is a paid service where you will enter in key words your customers may be paid for you by and Google will then place a paid advertisement listing at the top of the Google search results. Google has made it extremely easy for people to use and understand this service.


 Google Alerts

Google Alerts are email updates that are sent to you when your chosen words or terms are mentioned on the Internet. This is very useful when you are monitoring what is being said about your company or products. It can also be used to keep an eye on a particular competitor in your industry.